Align Your Wealth with Social Justice

Couples Money Coaching


Couples Money Coaching

A customized coaching program for couples with wealth who want support to make shared financial choices that support both a personal and collective security.

Almost a third of adults with partners report that money is a major source of conflict in their relationship. This can be intensified when one partner has access to an inheritance, and/or when partners were raised in different class backgrounds. When a partner inherits or quickly earns wealth, it can create tension, conflict, or confusion within the relationship. It’s rare for both partners to immediately agree on visions for: giving, lifestyle, raising children, and long-term financial visions. Couples need and deserve support to find a way forward together.

Couples coaching will help you and your partner(s) overcome money-related conflicts, clarify what you want to do with your wealth, and articulate your  long-term vision for wealth redistribution, community-building, family, and career.


Couples money coaching is a great fit for people in any of the following situations. You and your partner(s):

  • Recently inherited or earned wealth and/or are now ready to make decisions about your inherited wealth

  • Need support clarifying your long-term financial vision together 

  • Have different economic class backgrounds and want help figuring out how to share finances thoughtfully and equitably navigate class differences

  • Want to learn how to communicate more gracefully about money

  • Disagree about what to do with the money and need support finding an aligned path forward

  • Feel guilty or ashamed that you have access to wealth and want to find a way to move from guilt into action

  • Want to learn how to talk about money more transparently and thoughtfully with those you care about

  • Need guidance on finding an aligned vision for your wealth and support in executing it

  • Have a clear vision for your wealth but get stuck in procrastination, avoidance, or overwhelm

In addition to married, monogamous couples, I welcome couples who are: polyamorous, going through a breakup or divorce, platonic life partners, divorced but co-parent, never plan to marry.


In this coaching program, you and your partner(s) will:

Design Your Money Vision

  • Clarify and make powerful progress toward your long-term vision related to career, social justice, personal growth, community, and family 

  • Identify what interferes with your ability to move toward your goals with clarity and consistency and garner support as you get unstuck

    Change Your Relationship With Money

  • Relate to money in a grounded, creative, and embodied way

  • Learn about the Internal Family Systems methodology; get help identifying and embracing conflicting feelings and emotions related to money, security, and relationships

  • Access more compassion for yourself and your partner regarding your challenges with money

  • Move from unhelpful arguments about money into productive, grounded dialogue more easily

  • Navigate disagreements about giving and lifestyle choices in a loving way

  • Unearth the deeper fears and insecurities that motivate your unhealthy practices with money

  • Learn how to thoughtfully and transparently share about your finances with loved ones

  • Learn how to repair money-related mistakes you have made in your relationships

Joyously and Confidently Give Away Money

  • Using the tools of Internal Family Systems, clarify how much money you want to redistribute to social justice movements or to people in your community

  • Identify your fears and insecurities about giving, and gain the tools to address those fears in creative, healing ways

  • Clarify how involved you and your partner each want to be involved in the decision-making process of giving

  • Because you will address your root causes of scarcity and fear, you will learn to access joy and ease in giving

Move Toward Interdependence

  • Get support in deepening your skills related to the Five Pillars of Safety and Security so you can no longer rely solely on your wealth for safety

  • Map out your relationships and get support and skills in creating more closeness with others

  • Explore ways of inviting more people into your financial decisions and vision, and create a life of greater intimacy and interdependence 

  • Explore more expansive strategies for retirement, housing, and/or childcare that broaden your circle of care and support for individuals beyond your nuclear family

  • Create and implement a plan for giving away money you don’t need, which can include interpersonal giving, funding local community efforts you believe in, and funding social justice movements

Get Support

  • No longer feel alone in your process of trying to figure out what to do with your money—gain a thoughtful, compassionate, and knowledgeable guide for any and all questions, emotions and challenges, that arise regarding money

  • Gain an ally who will support you and your beloved(s) to see and work through your blindspots and challenging dynamics

  • Have a non-judgmental space to explore any shame, doubt, and confusion that arises in this process of moving money

  • Be held accountable to your action steps and deadlines to ensure you meet your goals


I use a tiered pricing structure for Couples Coaching based on how much wealth you have access to, as I believe that we should pay more for services based on how much wealth we have access to, and because I want each client to feel like they are putting in a meaningful investment into this work. I created this structure to give wealthy clients the option to begin practicing redistribution in how they pay me. This structure allows me to offer money coaching to poor and working class clients at an affordable rate. These fees include two 90-minute sessions, access to my coaching materials, my feedback on your worksheets, and access to me through email. This is for two participants; if there are more than two we’ll figure out a customized price. As someone with a disability, I am very limited in the amount of hours I can work, so these prices allow me to coach without burning out.

Poor & working class clients: $25-$50/mo

Raised wealthy and access to under $1M: Check out my group offerings

Access to $1M - $3M: $1300/mo

Access to over $3M / Redistribution level : $2600 (This covers the cost of my coaching a poor/working class couple)

Interested? To learn more, you and your partner(s) can sign up for a 55-minute call, which includes a complimentary coaching session, and learn more about the program. This will be a zero pressure environment—we will only work together if it feels like a great fit to both of us. I work with clients in any time zone over video or phone. Couples coaching only works well when everyone involved is committed to doing coaching.